Friday, August 08, 2014

TNGOP Statement on U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander's Primary Victory

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney released the following statement regarding U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander’s Republican primary win:

Congratulations to Senator Lamar Alexander for winning the Republican nomination for U.S. Senate. Once again, Tennesseans are rallying to his candidacy because they trust his steady hand and his conservative record. He’s well-positioned for the fall to return to the U.S. Senate and help lead a new Republican majority.”

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1 comment:

  1. This is the last time this corrupt lame ass "good old boy" gets the nomination. Joe Carr got 43% kids! Shameful showing for Lamar. If simply outspent Carr. He had the backing of the lame out of touch RNC.

    You people need to wake up and smell the coffee. We have a border that is WFO for gangs, Islamo-nazis and any other reprobate can just waltz in.

    Marsh Blackburn needs to go home too.
