Monday, September 15, 2014

Ashley Judd says she was a victim of Sexual Harassment in Hollywood

Ashley Judd
Ashley Judd, the Hollywood actress and liberal activist who last year was threatening to move from Kentucky to Tennessee to run against Lamar Alexander and who then considered running against Mitch McConnell in Kentucky and who occasionally makes forays into Tennessee to support liberals such she did when she attended a fund raiser for Jeff Yarbro, recently sounded off about being a victim of sexual harassment and the misogyny she's encountered in Hollywood.

According to the Huffington Post: "She also recounted numerous times she received "sexually charged" comments from producers and fell victim to "egregious sexual harassment" from a "famous movie mogul." Judd told Virtel that, despite being a well-versed women's studies minor, it wasn't until years later when her and other actors traded similar stories of this man's inappropriate behavior that she realized it was sexual harassment."

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