Sunday, September 28, 2014

Representative Councilman Bo Mitchell got a full page puff piece in the most recent issue of The Nashville Scene.

In case you missed it, Representative Councilman Bo Mitchell got a full page puff piece in the most recent issue of The Nashville Scene. Mitchell is profiled as a maverick who enjoys voting no. He is applauded for voting against the cost-saving privatization of Metro schools' janitorial services and  against privatizing the Bordeaux nursing homes. A vote he took to disallow limited commercial sponsorship of events in Metro Parks is also praised.

In the article, Mitchell states he is against Amendment 1 which will be on the ballot in November. Amendment 1 is the proposed amendment to the State constitution that would allow the State legislature the ability to regulate abortion clinics the same way they are regulated in other states. Tennessee abortion clinics have no waiting period and do not have to be licensed as they are in other states and this has made Tennessee an abortion destination. Mitchell says, "I'm never gonna come between a person and their doctor."  To read this article, follow this link.

Bo Mitchell is being challenged for his seat in the General Assembly in the General Election in November by Troy Brewer, a Bellevue accountant. In 2010, Mitchell came within 156 votes of being defeated by challenger Charles Williamson.

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