Friday, September 05, 2014

Senator Lamar Alexander: 8 Big Myths about Obamacare.

Senator Lamar Alexander this week, unveiled eight Big Myths about President Obama's disastrous health care law. If we are going to repair the damage Obamacare has brought about first we need to face the facts, he said, and then we need a new Republican majority that is able to stop the president.

If Republicans win a Senate majority this November, Alexander will become chairman of the Senate Health Committee. He said he is ready to repair the damage of Obamacare and replace it with reforms that will increase freedom and choice and drive down the cost of health insurance. He issued the following statement: 
Too many Tennesseans and Americans around the country have been hurt by the false promises that led to Obamacare becoming law. They have lost their doctors, seen their work hours cut, and watched as shrinking family incomes are being impossibly stretched by higher health care premiums and out-of-pocket health care costs. Republicans have a better idea—we are ready with proposals to repair the damage Obamacare has done and prevent future damage with step-by-step reforms that reduce the cost of health insurance and expand freedom and choice.
Below are what Alexander said are the eight big myths of Obamacare:
Myth 1: Obamacare met its enrollment targets.
Reality: The Obama administration is overstating the new insurance exchange enrollment numbers and has not reached either its goal of enrolling enough young and healthy people or of dramatically reducing the number of uninsured.

Myth 2: Coverage is more affordable.
Reality: Obamacare regulations have increased premiums and out-of-pocket costs for many Americans. Affordability remains the biggest barrier to coverage.

Myth 3: Transparency and access to care have increased.
Realty: The Obamacare exchanges are not transparent about limited drug coverage and narrow doctor and hospital networks.

Myth 4: Obamacare strengthens the economy and reduces the deficit.
Reality: Obamacare adds to the deficit, increases health care spending, burdens employers, increases taxes and disincentives work.

Myth 5: The exchanges were ready and would work.
Reality: The federal government and some states wasted millions of dollars creating dysfunctional exchanges. None of the exchanges were properly equipped to verify eligibility for taxpayer-funded subsidies.

Myth 6: is working well with states to enroll individuals in Medicaid.
Reality: Error-ridden Medicaid application data from is imposing significant burdens on states.

Myth 7: Medicaid expansion means more people will have health care.
Reality: Medicaid is a broken program and does not guarantee access to health care.

Myth 8: Obamacare strengthens Medicare Advantage.
Reality: Obamacare cuts billions from the popular Medicare Advantage program and reduces seniors' benefits.

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