Tuesday, September 16, 2014

TNGOP Chairman: Gordon Ball Will Be One More Vote for Barack Obama's Agenda

State Republican Party launches new web ad and new site, ObamaBallAgenda.com, to expose Gordon Ball's support for Barack Obama's liberal agenda

NASHVILLE, Tenn.—President Barack Obama has his sights set on Tennessee this fall.
While Tennessee has increasingly become a Republican stronghold, Washington Democrats believe they have an opening to gain a foothold in the Volunteer State with the November 4th election. In the last few months, news reports have surfaced that reveal a secretive liberal agenda targeting Tennessee. Whether it is with a former OFA staffer running for Congress or the funding of a liberal strategist for a pro-abortion campaign against Amendment One, it’s clear Democrats believe Tennessee can be turned into a battleground.
And, at the top of the ticket, will be a man who would be one more vote for Barack Obama's harmful agenda -- Gordon Ball. Mr. Ball, a liberal personal injury lawyer from Knoxville, will only serve to empower Obama and strengthen Washington’s stranglehold on our economy.
"Ball's thin record and slick plan to fool voters should be alarming to Tennesseans,” said Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney. “Like many Democrats in Tennessee—and every personal injury lawyer I’ve come across—Ball will try to cloak himself with conservative rhetoric in order to win. But the reality is: He'll be one more vote for Barack Obama’s agenda. His commitment to ObamaCare and the fact he would help President Obama impose more job-destroying taxes and regulations, all while eroding our Second Amendment rights and the rights of the unborn, proves he wouldn’t be a bluedog—he’d be Obama’s lapdog in the Senate.”
To counter the efforts of the Tennessee Democratic Party and Gordon Ball’s own self-financed public image campaign, the Tennessee Republican Party today announces the creation of a new website designed to be a strategic resource center for voters and journalists alike. The site, ObamaBallAgenda.com, will reveal the truth about Gordon Ball’s record and explore his support for the liberal Obama agenda.
Additionally, the TNGOP released a :30 web advertisement that can be seen by clicking here, that highlights Gordon Ball's campaign to be one more reliable vote for Barack Obama's reckless agenda in Washington.
Devaney added, “Tennessee has been at the forefront in the conservative movement. We’ve had--and continue to have--outstanding leaders who look for solutions and reflect the values of our citizens. This fall, we have the chance to return one of those leaders, Senator Lamar Alexander, back to the Senate to defend us from President Obama. The last thing voters should do is be tricked by Gordon Ball’s campaign--an effort that promises to be as slick and contrived as the candidate himself.”

The liberal agenda in Tennessee will take several forms this fall, including:
• The Tennessee Democratic Party is spending a significant amount of money to bring in a consultant to fight against Amendment One, a pro-life constitutional amendment on the ballot this fall, and advise Democratic candidates.
• In the Fourth Congressional District, Democrats are backing a candidate who has "worn the Obama stripes as...regional field organizer for Organizing for Action" and has nearly $100,000 cash on hand.

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