Tuesday, October 07, 2014

Liberty on the Rocks, Thursday, Oct 16th

This is a fun event! There is no opening prayer, no pledge, no treasurer's report, no reading of the minutes of the last meeting, no guest speaker. There is no program and no agenda, no officers and no one in charge. This is just a bunch of right-of-center, liberty-loving people getting together to drink and socialize. I am a regular at these events. Right of center is still a pretty broad spectrum and interesting discussion and respectful but animated debate is the norm.

Now, I will tell you, the more libertarian end of the right-of-center spectrum dominates this gathering, but right-of center folks of all strips are welcome. There may be an anarco capitalist or two in the mix and an occasional conspiracy theorist but most of the people who attend are relatively sane and harmless.  There are a lot of well-read, thoughtful people in attendance and we have some great discussion and arguments. We need some more mainstream right-of-center opinion at these events, however. I need some allies. If this will be your first time attending, introduce yourself and tell me you read about the event on this blog and I will buy your first beer.

Attendance is usually about a dozen to twenty-five people. It is on the patio at Mafiaoza's in the 12th Avenue South neighborhood. The group ranges in age from those in their early 20's to those in their 70's, and with everyone from students to laborers to professionals. The larger group usually ends up breaking into four or so smaller groups with people floating between the groups.  If you are tired of hanging out with your liberal co-workers or family or people who never talk about anything of substance, come party with some smart people who will understand what you are talking about.

The next meeting is this Thursday, October 16th.  It usually gets started about 5:30 PM and goes until about 9:30 or sometimes later. Until 7pm (I think it is) drinks are two-for-one.

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