Friday, October 17, 2014

Marsha Blackburn, Diane Black, Scott Desjarlais, Alexander and Corker join call for Ebola travel ban

From FOX 17 (link)

Tennessee Congressman Marsha Blackburn wants a ban on non-essential travel from Liberia, Guinea and Sierra Leone along with an actual quarantine. "I still think that's something we should consider. Quarantining people for 21 days before they leave that region it helps everyone," said Blackburn.

She has plenty of company calling for restrictions in Tennessee. Congressmen Diane Black and Scott Desjarlais along with Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker are all calling for some type of West African travel ban in hopes of containing Ebola. "Ebola is a serious threat that requires serious action to prevent an outbreak on American soil," said Black who was also a nurse for more than 40.

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