Wednesday, October 08, 2014

New Educational Options Booklet Gives Parents Needed Resource

“Allowing Children to Dream Big” puts school success stories, available educational options, and instructions in the hands of Tennessee families 

Press Release, MEMPHIS – The Beacon Center of Tennessee has just released “Allowing Children to Dream Big,” a booklet that gives parents all the available options to provide their children with the the education they deserve.

 Earlier this week, the school choice options booklet was distributed to 15,000 Tennessee families and policymakers. In addition to showing parents the educational options they currently have, the booklet also analyzes Tennessee’s school choice options relative to other states. Unfortunately, while families who have exercised choice have had tremendous success, options for Tennessee families are still limited. While Tennessee policymakers debate additional school choice measures such as opportunity scholarships, other states across the country are providing robust choice programs for their students.

“We hope every Tennessee family has chance to give their child the quality education he or she deserves,” said Beacon Center CEO Justin Owen. “This booklet represents the first step at laying out those options for families, so that they can choose the right educational environment for their child.” If you would like a copy of “Allowing Children to Dream Big” or would like to set up an individual interview, please contact Mark Cunningham (615-383-6431,

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