Friday, October 24, 2014

Tennessee Voices for Victims Endorses Amendment 2

Press release, Nashville, Tenn. – Tennessee Voices for Victims, a leading advocate for victims of crime , announced today their strong support and endorsement for Amendment 2.

Tennessee Voices for Victims joins a growing and impressive list of organizations from across the state encouraging their members and supporters to Vote YES on 2.

“In 1991, my sister -­‐ in -­‐ law was sexually assaulted and murdered . Through that experience and by working with hundreds of other crime victims , I have seen firsthand just how essential fair and impartial judges are to securing justice and keeping our communities safe,” said Verna Wyatt, Executive Director of Tennessee Voices for Victims.

“I’m voting yes on Amendment 2 to ensure that the men and women selected as appellate court judges and Supreme Court justices in Tennessee are the best qualified to serve our state.”

“If we fail to pass Amendment 2, we will open up those positions to professional politicians who can raise the most money from special -­‐ interest groups ,” Wyatt continued. “That is simply unacceptable to the victims of crime , and all Tennesseans , who deserve to be heard equally and fairly by our high court judges.”

Tennessee Voices for Victims joins numerous other respected organizations across the state that are encouraging voters to support Amendment 2 -­‐-­‐ including the Tennessee Farm Bureau Federation, Tennessee Bar Association, Tennessee Business Roundtable, NAACP of Tennessee, Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Fraternal Order of Police of Tennessee, League of Women Voters of Tennessee, Tennessee Hospital Association, Tennessee Sheriffs’ Association, Tennessee Business Partnership, Beacon Center of Tennessee, Tennessee Lawyers Association f or Women, Tennessee Bankers Association, Women’s Political Collaborative of Tennessee, and many others.

For more information about Amendment 2, please visit Early voting is now underway and continues through October 30. Election D ay is November 4.

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