Monday, October 13, 2014

Thank you for your support of the Walk to End Azlherimer's

From left to right: Steve Clements; Don Moradian, my brother-in-law; Kathleen Williams, my sister; Gene Wisdom; Edmond Mood in the arms of Kathleen, Rod Williams, (me); Jonathan Moody, Becca's husband; and Becca Moody, my niece and mother of Edmond.
I appreciate my family and friends who joined me in the Walk Saturday morning and I appreciate all who contributed. The "Rod and Louella Team" raised $2335. Donations go to provide research to treat and prevent Alzheimer's and to find a cure and to provide programs and support to those affected by the disease. The Walk is the biggest fundraiser of the year for the Alzheimer's Association and takes place in hundreds of cities across America.

Saturday morning was damp and cool but the rain held off until after the event. It is hard to estimate
I enjoyed carrying Edmond on the Walk. He
 is 10 months old and such a sweet child. 
the size of a crowd like this but there must have been a couple thousand. The walk was from the Courthouse Square park up Deadrick Street to Legislative Plaza and back. If you intended to donate and it just skipped you mind, you can still donate at this link.

Unfortunately Louella is the advanced stage of her illness and is still in Good Samaritan recovering from a severely broken ankle. When I joined the Walk effort, I was hoping Louella would be out of rehab and be walking with me, but it didn't happen. I appreciate those who contributed and walked with me, but I want all who pray for me and Louella and who have expressed your concern and given me words of encouragement and asked about Louella to know how much your support means to me. Rod

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