Friday, October 17, 2014

The truth is it really is not that simple. Rep. Butt is putting our misinformation.

I just received the following email of a facebook post by Rep. Sheila K. Butt.

Sheila K. Butt 9:29am Oct 17

Sheila K. ButtIn my 10 minute commute to early voting this morning, I was inundated with misinformation about Amendment 2. If you want to return to the Constitutional requirement that judges be "elected" by the voters of Tennessee, vote NO on Amendment 2. It really is that simple . .

The truth is it really is not that simple.  Rep. Butt is putting our misinformation.  Voting no means we will continue to the current status. I agree with those who say our current form of selecting and retaining Supreme Court justices is not constitutional, but the Court has ruled it is.  Voting "no" will do absolutely nothing to chance the current system. Voting "no" will not return to the Constitutional requirement that judges be "elected" by the voters of Tennessee. Voting "no" changes absolutely nothing. Shame on Rep. Butt for putting our misinformation.

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