Monday, October 27, 2014

Will Senate District 21 Allow Lobbyists To Buy Our Vote?

Dear friends,

This Election year is crucial for so many reasons, and we are so close to ensuring Senate District 21's voice is heard at the Capitol.

We have an incredibly important choice to make at the polls. Are we going to have a voice, or will we allow lobbyists and special interest groups to run our community?

My opponent, Jeff Yarbro, works for one of the largest law firms in Nashville with an incredibly active lobbying arm. When asked at a debate if he would quit his job if elected, he simply danced around the question and eventually said he would not quit.

If it isn't a direct conflict of interest to have a State Senator working at one of the city's largest law and lobbying firms, then I don't know what is. I'm asking you to help me stop it.

Together, I know that we can ensure our community has a voice at the Capitol. Deep pocketed special interest groups are trying to buy your vote, and I pray that they do not succeed.

Our campaign has received an incredible amount of support from so many great Nashvillians. Former Tennessee Governor Winfield Dunn has endorsed our campaign, and so has Vanderbilt University's Dr. Carol Swain.

Your small donation today will help secure the future of our District. With your support, we can pull off a win for our community!

Remember, early voting ends October 30th and Election Day is November 4th. If you're not sure where you need to vote, please click HERE.

Thank you so much for your time and support.
Diana Cuellar

My Comment: Come on. Give again or if you have not given, do it now.  Diane has worked really hard and she would make a great Senator. Rod

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