Monday, October 27, 2014

Yes on Amendment 4 lets Vet Groups have raffles same as other non-profits.

I am voting "yes" on all four proposed constitutional amendments.  Of the four proposed amendments, amendment number 4 has received the least publicity.  Amendment Four would simply allow veterans to be added to the list of those charitable organizations that may apply to the state to hold one raffle or "gaming" event a year to raise money. All other charitable organizations are allowed to do this. The word "veterans" is not in the language of the Amendment but 501(c)(19) is the section of the tax code that covers non-profit veterans groups such as American Legion and VFW. When the Tennessee constitution was amended in 2002 to allow other non-profits to apply to hold one "gaming" event a year, veterans groups were left out of that amendment.

Here is a link to a very good article that explains Amendment 4 in more detail: Amendment #4 adds veteran groups to gaming

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