Thursday, November 06, 2014

Alexander: Tennesseans Voted for a Senator "Who Knows How to Get Things Done, Not Just Make a Speech"

In victory speech says he'll help move the country in a new direction and get results

Press Release, Nov. 4, 2014, KNOXVILLE – Lamar Alexander told supporters following his re-election to the United States Senate tonight that he will help move the country in a different direction.

Speaking at the Crowne Plaza in Knoxville, Alexander said, "I ran for re-election to be part of a new majority in the Senate that will fix our broken system, get the right things done, and begin to move our country in a new direction. I’ll do this in a way Tennesseans know well—to work with others to get results. Tennesseans want a senator who knows how to get things done, not just make a speech."

The senator is currently the top Republican on the Senate committee overseeing health care, education and labor, and he is also the top Republican on the appropriations subcommittee on energy overseeing funding for facilities such as Oak Ridge National Laboratory. In a Republican Senate, he would be poised to serve as chairman of both committees.

Alexander's full remarks as prepared follow:

Thank you to the people of Tennessee for re-electing me to the United States Senate. Like most Tennesseans, I am not happy with the direction of our country. I am not happy with the way Washington is NOT working.

I know America is better than that. I ran for re-election to be part of a new majority in the Senate that will fix our broken system, get the right things done, and begin to move our country in a new direction. I’ll do this in a way Tennesseans know well—to work with others to get results.

Tennesseans want a senator who knows how to get things done, not just make a speech. A few minutes ago I received a call of congratulations from Gordon Ball. I thanked him and congratulated him for a strong campaign. I congratulate and thank Gov. Haslam and Congressman Duncan on their re-election and thank them and Sen. Corker, others in the congressional delegation, Lt. Gov. Ramsey, Speaker Harwell and our former Republican state chairmen for supporting me.

I thank our campaign team: David Cleary, Mark Braden and Alice Rolli, Steve Smith and Jim Haslam and Bryan and Kim Kaegi— Tom Ingram who has been with me the whole way—and the volunteers who have worked so hard.

I will continue to do my best to represent everybody, from all sections of the state, from all political parties, whether you voted for me or not. I especially thank Honey and our family—Drew, Leslee, Kathryn and Will—for allowing me to live such a public life. For us Alexanders, calling Tennessee home goes back a long way. Our two-year-old grandson, Houston Lamar Alexander, was baptized last year in Hesse Creek in Blount County, making him and Taylor and Lauren and Helen—all of whom are here tonight—ninth-generation Tennesseans.

Our first election night celebration was here in Knoxville, 40 years ago. But tonight is not about where we’ve been. It is about where we can go. I’m ready for this new opportunity to go to work with others to fix our broken system, get the right things done and move our country in a new direction.

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1 comment:

  1. we are not sending you back to washington to "get along" and "compromise with democrats".

    for once, do what is right.
