Friday, November 07, 2014

From Charlie Tygard: An open letter to Nashville’s mayoral candidates

by Charlie Tygard, The Tennessean, Nov. 7, 2014 - Dear Nashville mayoral candidates: First, congratulations on your decision to run for mayor. Nashville needs strong, decisive, effective leadership to continue the great momentum our city currently has. ....

With the recent announcement from Mayor Dean not to pursue funding for the Amp in the last year of his term, I am interested in your thoughts on whether the city should continue expending dollars for planning, design and public relations on this project or if we should step back until new leadership is in place to review the entire mass transit plan. (read more)

My Comment: This is good. Please read it. The mayoral candidates should take a stand and tell us if they want the city to continue to waste money on a dead project or wait till a new mayor is elected and see what direction the next mayor wants to take. I think it criminal if the city waste another dime on the AMP knowing that that is overwhelming likely to be money down the drain. The Council should take action now to prohibit any more spending on the project.

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