Thursday, November 13, 2014

Gov. Haslam announces Kevin Huffman is stepping down

Kevin Huffman is stepping down from his role as the Commissioner of the Department of Education. (Courtesy:
Kevin Huffman is stepping down from his role as the Commissioner of the Department of Education. (Courtesy:
NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Governor Bill Haslam announced Thursday that Kevin Huffman, Commissioner of the Department of Education, is leaving his position.

Huffman will be departing the administration to move into the private sector.
“Improving education in Tennessee has been a top priority for our administration, and having someone of Kevin's caliber to lead the charge during this time of significant progress has made a difference,” Haslam said.

My Comment: I have been very impressed with the improvement  in education in Tennessee under Kevin Huffman.  I hope Governor Haslam can quickly find a person of quality who has a passion for educational excellence and is a supporter of school choice to replace him. 

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