Monday, November 10, 2014

Kenneth Eaton says stop the AMP spending, responding to Councilman Tygard's Open Letter.

In this open letter from Kenneth Eaton, candidate for Mayor, he responds to Councilman Tygards open letter challenging mayoral candidates to state their position on the AMP. What is at stake is whether or not the city should spend an additional $6 million or so to study and design the AMP when most think the project is dead.

Re: Charlie Tygard
open letter  

Dear Councilman Tygard,

Thank you for your well-wishes for my campaign to become Nashville's next Mayor, and I can only hope the Council members I work with are people of your high caliber. To Answer your question about halting the spending of unspent AMP appropriations in one word; YES.

To use a few more words, I not only want the Metro Council to stop spending money on the AMP until after the 2015 election, I want the unspent funds taken back, applied to our growing debt, and no more money to be spent on the AMP at all. I never supported the AMP, and while Nashville's public transportation and traffic problems are many, the AMP solves none of them.

As Mayor, I will incentivize Metro employees to save taxpayer dollars, not squander them.  

Thank you,  
Kenneth Eaton
Mayor Candidate,2015 615-255-0121

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