Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Rep. Rick Womick disavows and condemns attacks on Speaker Beth Harwell

RICK WOMICK STATE REPRESENTATIVE 34TH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICK PRESS STATEMENT - There are several emails that have been showing up in legislative and personal email boxes that are attacking Speaker Harwell, her staff, and other legislators on a personal level, ultimately targeting the character and personalities of all involved. While I appreciate the efforts of undisclosed supporters across the state, I am not responsible, do not condone, and do not support these, or any future emails, that degrade, attack, or misrepresent the character of any individual associated with the Tennessee House of Representatives.

My bid for speaker is based on a fundamental disagreement in leadership style and a lack of accountability to the members of the Republican caucus. My challenge to Speaker Harwell is not of a personal nature and I will not allow it to degrade into a campaign centered around character assassination.

As I stated in an earlier press release, serving as Speaker of the House is a very serious matter and an extremely important position in our state's government. Such a position of leadership should not be treated as an inconsequential popularity contest for class president.  Instead it should be fully vetted before anyone is allowed to assume the office.

Over the next two weeks, I will be addressing the serious issues and misgivings that confront the current House leadership, as well as, revealing the truth, the facts, and the evidence as it pertains to their tenure. In return, I will offer the option of new leadership, with new direction, fresh ideas, accountability to its members, and a House that truly belongs to the legislators and the people they represent.

I will continue to be professional and respectful as I begin to detail the serious grievances and improprieties that confront the Republican caucus during this election for speaker-select. I have encouraged my fellow legislators not to be persuaded by disparaging attacks or hurtful innuendos that are beyond our control. It is my desire that we stay focused, get beyond personality differences, and address the most important aspect of our election, which is the constitutional governance entrusted to us by the people of Tennessee. (end of press release)
To read more about this issue, follow this link: Email urging Speaker Harwell's ouster casts her as puppet.

Here is an except from the story: 
The latest email featured House Clerk Joe McCord as a puppet master, pulling the strings of Finance Committee Chairman Charles Sargent and Speaker Pro Tempore Curtis Johnson from one hand and House Speaker Beth Harwell and former Republican Caucus Leader-turned education lobbyist Debra Maggart on the other.
“It is time to cut ties,” the image says in bold, capital letters. “Vote Rick Womick for speaker. No one will pull his strings.”

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