Monday, December 15, 2014

Alexander, Corker Statements on Gov. Haslam’s “Insure Tennessee” Plan

WASHINGTON, Dec. 15 – U.S. Senators Lamar Alexander and Bob Corker today released the following statements on Gov. Bill Haslam’s announcement of “Insure Tennessee,” which Gov. Haslam calls “an alternative approach” to the expansion of Medicaid under Obamacare. The plan, according to the governor, is “a two-year pilot program to provide health care coverage to Tennesseans who currently don’t have access to health insurance or have limited options."

Alexander, the senior Republican on the Senate health committee, said: “Governor Haslam deserves credit for insisting upon a Tennessee plan that the state can afford, and Secretary Burwell deserves credit for being flexible enough to allow the governor to achieve that.”

Corker said: “I have had several conversations with Governor Haslam and appreciate the work he and his team have done to study this issue closely and negotiate a tailored solution that works for Tennessee. I'm glad the administration has finally allowed appropriate flexibility, and I'm pleased our state was able to adopt a solution that will build off of the innovative ways we deliver quality health care.”‎

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