Tuesday, December 02, 2014

The Bridgestone Bribe advances, passes Budget and Finance, Nashville TEA party opposes, Jeremy Kane sort-of opposes.

Nashville Tea Party decries 'corporate welfare' for Bridgestone

by Joey Garrison, The Tennessean, December 2, 2014- The Nashville Tea Party has weighed in on Mayor Karl Dean's incentive proposal for Bridgestone Americas in a stinging statement calling the tax breaks "corporate welfare" negotiated behind closed doors. "If Bridgestone wants the money of Davidson County citizens, they should offer them a quality product instead of negotiating in total secrecy with our elected officials for taxpayer funded handouts and corporate welfare," Nashville Tea Party President Ben Cunningham said Tuesday. (link)

Nashville mayoral candidate Jeremy Kane says Metro should rework its tax incentive package for Bridgestone Americas in order to save revenue that would be going to public schools.
In a letter sent to the Metro Council, Kane says that he believes in the “power and potential of economic incentives” but they should honor the city’s core values and “invest in our teachers, families, and students first.” (link)

Metro, Bridgestone defend incentives ahead of key vote ...
by Eric Snyder, Nashville Business Journal, Dec. 2, 2014 - 
Metro Council members were told Monday Bridgestone would likely be leaving ... be leaving 
Nashville if not for the incentives, according to The Tennessean.

The Tennessean
 Bridgestone Americas would relocate its headquarters out of Nashville if not for a ... Metro Council to weigh in on Bridgestone incentives.

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