Thursday, December 18, 2014

From Darkness to light. Maria's story

This is a heart-warming story of local couple, Lynn and Steve Hendrich, who felt let by God to go on a mission trip to Moldova, where there they met a young 15-year-old girl named Maria who was blind. They became attached to her and burdened to help her. Upon returning from their mission trip they made contact with Doctor Ming Wang. They were able to bring Maria to America and Dr Wang operated on Maria and performed a very difficult surgery that restored her sight and for the first time in her life she could see. In this short video they tell this story and you see Maria experience sight for the very first time:

She looked into the mirror… she stared at it and studied it intently…and all of sudden it dawned on her that the beautiful girl she saw looking back at her was actually herself! Maria squealed with delight and exclaimed, “Sunt frumoasa!” (“I am so pretty” in Romanian), as she was seeing herself for the very first time!
Doctor Wang says that if there were more people willing to serve as host families that they could help more orphans like Maria.  Please spread this video.  Anyone interested in being a host family can contact the Wang Foundation for Sight Registration at .

For more information follow this link:  The Wang Foundation for Sight Restoration.

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