Thursday, December 18, 2014

Guess who came to the Davidson Co. GOP Xmas Party? Bill Freeman

The last person I expected to see show up at the Davidson County Republican Party Christmas party

Bill Freeman
tonight was Bill Freeman. He showed up, worked the room shaking hands with everyone. He was accompanied by Chip Foster, former head of the Tennessee Democratic Party, and a couple other men. No one's head exploded and everyone was cordial.

Bill Freeman, in case anyone doesn't know, is probably the most powerful Democrat in Tennessee. He is a major real estate investor in Nashville and a principal in Freeman-Webb. which is the largest owner/manager of apartments in the Nashville area. Bill Freeman is a big bundler for Democrats raising millions for the Party's candidates and was a  major fund raiser for President Obama.  He recently chaired the committee that narrowed the nominees for chair of the Party down to three candidates.

Freeman has been playing coy about weather or not he was running for mayor of Nashville, having set tomorrow as his deadline to announce if he was running or not.  After showing up tonight campaigning at a Republican Christmas party, I think it is save to assume he is running.

I only stayed about an hours but enjoyed the good food and  saw lots people I had not seen in a while and enjoyed chatting with different people but left after about an hour.  There were three gentlemen from the Stampede Group at the party who are working for David Fox, another mayoral candidate.  If any other mayoral candidates or their representatives showed up, it was after I left.

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