Tuesday, December 02, 2014


From Uber:

Hey Rod,

We need your support. This week the Nashville Metro Council is discussing sensible ridesharing regulations that would preserve your access to the Uber you know and love, and give uberX a permanent home in the Music City.
Your Metro Council members need to hear from you today! Tell them what having access to uberX means to you. Urge them to support:
  • Additional ways to affordably move around town without unnecessary minimum fare requirements or other restrictions
  • Safe and reliable rides that help protect our communities by reducing drunk driving
  • More transparency, driver quality, and accountability in clean, safe vehicles that arrive within minutes
  • Entrepreneurial driver partners and small business owners who rely on Uber to make a living 
Reasonable legislation passed by Nashville’s Metro Council will ensure your continued access to the safest and most affordable rides on the road, whenever and wherever you need them. Email your Metro Council members today and tell them Nashville Loves Uber!
Spread the word!

After emailing your legislators, forward this email to friends and click the Twitter and Facebook buttons above to let your friends know that #NashvilleLovesUber! Let’s make sure all voices are heard.
Uber on!
Team Uber Nashville

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