Sunday, December 21, 2014

Mayoral campaign turns dirty as in trash truck dirty

Today's Tennessean reports of squabble over campaign signs on the side of the garbage trucks of Gray Disposal.  I have seen candidates signs on the side of Gray Disposal garbage truck in campaigns for years and just assumed Edwin Gray was a civic-minded citizen who was showing his support for his preferred  candidate.  I did not know the space was for rent. 

According to the Tennessean some months ago Charles Robert Bone contracted with Edwin Gray and paid Gray $10,000 to let Bone have his signs on the side of Gray's trucks though the September election. Well, Bill Freeman gets in the race and goes to Gray and agrees to pay him three times what Bone had contracted to pay and persuades Gray to break his contract with Bone. Gray returned Bones money and will now display Freeman signs on his trucks.

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