Monday, December 15, 2014

More about the proposed bail out of the Neighborhood Resource Center

This was posted to the Google Group Nashville Neighborhoods:

Mina Johnson Dec 12 10:46AM -0600

RESOLUTION NO. *RS2014*-*1316*
Resolution to appropriated one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from the
Undesignated Fund Balance of the General Fund of the General Services
District to fund a grant to Neighborhoods Resource Center for the purpose
of providing a portion of the funding for its program services.

The above agenda is on December 16th Council consent agenda.

I am not questioning if NRC is worthy of receiving $100,000 from Metro. I
understand NRC has been helping neighborhoods especially fighting against
crime and strength certain area of neighborhoods where help was desperately

I just have to wonder if there is a conflict of interest. The sponsor of
the bill, CM Scott Davis is a board member of NRC. CM Davis being a board
member of the organization regardless of a pay, and getting financial
benefit to that organization seem to have unfair advantage to other
Non-profit organization which would like to seek Metro assistance.

What do you think?

If you'd like to express your opinion on this resolution, Council Members
can be reached at

Thank you, Mike Peden, for having keen eyes on Metro financial.

Mina (West Meade)

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1 comment:

  1. Not only would I question the conflict of interest id ask why now..... seems to be a not so veiled attempt at securing votes in the upcoming election. Am I off in my analysis?
