Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Neighborhood Resource Center Bailout deferred one meeting by Budget and Finance.

The resolution to grant a $100,000 subsidy to the Neighborhood Resource Center was deferred one meeting at the Budget and Finance Committee at the request of the sponsor.  To see the committee's discussion of this resolution see time stamp 28:15 to 33:37 in the video. Council member Ronnie Stein points out that $100.000 is a greater portion of an agencies budget than is most Council grants to agencies. He also says that before next meeting he would like to see a budget for the agency and see how the $100,000 would be spend.

Most discussion and explanation of legislation takes place in committee. Any bill that spends money goes to the Budget and Finance Committee, making Budget and Finance the most important committee of the Council.

This is the membership of the Budget and Finance Committee: Pridemore, Bill, Chair; Baker, Buddy; Bennett, Karen; Davis, Anthony; Dowell, Jacobia;Garrett, Tim, Vice Chair; Glover, Steve;Langster, Edith Taylor; Maynard, Jerry; Moore, Sandra; Pardue, Doug; Steine, Ronnie;Weiner, Sheri

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