Friday, December 12, 2014

Rep. Black Statement on CROmnibus Vote to Keep Government Open

Rep. Diane Black
Washington, D.C. – Today, Congressman Diane Black (R-TN-06) issued the following statement on her vote in support of the CROmnibus legislation to keep our government open:

"No government funding measure that needs to be negotiated with Senate Democrats and signed by President Obama will ever be perfect,” said Congressman Black. “But rather than let the perfect be the enemy of the good, I supported this measure because it will avoid a repeat of the 2013 government shutdown, while setting the table for Republicans to take on President Obama’s unconstitutional immigration overreach. By funding all of government through the end of the fiscal year except for the Department of Homeland Security, we will be able to fight his executive action in February with a new Republican majority in the Senate.

"In addition, this bill cuts funding for Obamacare’s Independent Payment Advisory Board and reduces IRS funding by $345 million – putting the agency’s budget below Fiscal Year 2008 levels. This legislation also cuts EPA funding for the fifth year in a row and ends an outrageous EPA regulation on lead that resulted in ammunition shortages and acted as a form of backdoor gun control on Tennessee sportsmen.

"I understand and share the strong concerns of my constituents about the President’s unconstitutional action, which is why I have introduced legislation, the Separation of Powers Act, to fight back against this power grab. Our best leverage to stop this action will come when Republicans control both Chambers of Congress next month."

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