Tuesday, December 09, 2014

Strange goings on in the Womick quest for the Speaker's job

There is not much in the way of details, but a website and a couple Facebook post say constituents of Rick Womick got a hard-hitting mail piece recently criticizing  Womick for his run against Beth Harwell for speaker, saying he was putting his political ambitions ahead of his constituents. Volunteer Politics says the piece says it was funded by Stand for Children Tennessee. The only Stand for Children Tennessee, I could find is at this link. Given this organizations mission, it would seem strange if they funded such a mailer.  I have placed a call to that organization's executive director for confirmation and will update if I learn more. What is going on?

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  1. I noticed that Stand for Children Tennessee OPPOSED Amendment 3.
    They are also in favor of Pre-K education by the state.
    They are also IN FAVOR OF COMMON CORE.......AHA!!!!!!!!!
