Wednesday, December 10, 2014

The school board meeting of Dec. 9th.

This is three and a quarter hour meeting. I have not watched it and don't know that I will have the opportunity.  If anyone else watches and would like to summarize and highlight the good parts, I will post your summary on this page.

Meeting are much more interesting if you know what is going on. The school board publishes great agendas and you can get your own copy of this 232-page agenda at this link.

I can normally watch most meetings in double time or time and half and do not lose much content. If you are not offered that option when viewing the Video, follow this link and click "request the HTML5 Player."

Below is a News Channel 5 report on this school board meeting but doesn't us very tell much. Follow the link to see the full report including a video.

Metro School Board Members Mull Future Charter Conversions

  by Todd Walker, Dec 9, 2014, NASHVILLE, Tenn - East Nashville parents still upset about their child's school being converted to a charter sounded off in front of school board members Tuesday night.

Several cited transportation issues caused by changing neighborhood schools into charters, others said they were sick of their kids and neighborhoods being treated as guinea pigs for education reform.
Some of the board members also questioned whether the district's process of selecting charters is even working.

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