Wednesday, December 03, 2014

Womick says Haslam is behind attacks on Harwell to make people think Womick is behind the attacks on Harwell.

In case you missed it:

 Womick says GOP behind attacks on Harwell

The Tennessean, Dec. 2, 2014-The Tea Party candidate for Tennessee House speaker says establishment Republicans, including key advisers to Gov. Bill Haslam, created robocalls and emails attacking House Speaker Beth Harwell, R-Nashville, in an attempt to undermine his candidacy for speaker.
Rep. Rick Womick, R-Rockvale, said neither he nor his supporters created robocalls that are going out to members of the General Assembly. The calls attack Harwell personally, Womick said. He said he’s spoken with other GOP members who received the calls, but Womick said he’s never heard the call. House Minority Leader Craig Fitzhugh, D-Ripley, said his office is receiving “a lot” of the calls.
Womick is quoted in the Nashville Scene accusing Haslam Chief of Staff Mark Cate and Haslam political adviser Tom Ingram of orchestrating the robocalls.
Wow, that would be pretty Machiavellian. So, Womick is saying the robo calls attacking Harwell are being put out by Haslam's people, who support Harwell, so people will think they are being put out by Womick or his people, to make Womick look bad. Maybe, Womick really put out the robo calls so people would think they were put out by the Haslam's  people in an attempt to make people think they were put out by Womick or his people to make Womick look bad, which if people thought that then people would think bad of Haslam's people which would help Womick. Or, maybe they really were put out by Haslam's people to make people think Womick put them out to make people think .........

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