Friday, January 16, 2015

Kelsey files bill to block state health exchange

The Tennessean, Jan. 15, 2015 - Sen. Brian Kelsey, R-Germantown, and Rep. Jeremy Durham, R-Franklin, have filed legislation that would block the creation of a state health exchange in the event a federal court rules that tax credits under the Affordable Care Act are available only on state exchanges.

Senate Bill 72 is designed to prevent “Tennessee from operating any ObamaCare exchanges in the future,” Kelsey said in a statement.

The Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments in King vs. Burwell — a case thatchallengesthe use of tax subsidies on the federal exchange under the ACA — on March 4.

The central question in the case is whether health insurance on federal or state exchanges is eligible for tax incentives or whether tax incentives — which make insurance affordable for about 121,000 people in Tennessee — are only available on state exchanges. (link) (Subscription)

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