Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Alexander. Corker, Blackburn, and Cooper Statements on State of the Union Address

Alexander Statement on State of Union Address

WASHINGTON, Jan. 20, 2015 – U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement after President Obama’s annual State of the Union address: “Unfortunately, much of what I heard from President Obama tonight are partisan proposals that don’t have any chance of becoming law – and that he intends to pursue despite the message the American people sent him in November by electing a Republican Congress.

“We need to hear more about proposals that Congress might actually work on with the president: to expand free trade so we can sell more Tennessee products overseas, simplify student aid forms so more community college students can take advantage of Tennessee Promise, preventing cyberattacks and fixing No Child Left Behind.

“I’d like to hear talk more about 21st-century cures, helping to get treatments, medical devices and medicines through the U.S. Food and Drug administration more rapidly, which would help virtually all Americans. This is something that both Republicans in Congress and the president believe is important. “There are plenty of opportunities – if the president really wants to – to work with the Republican majority to get things done that the American people want done.”

Corker Statement on Tonight’s State of the Union Address

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) today released the following statement in advance of President Obama’s State of the Union address.

“While I know it is the tradition for presidents to address the nation in this way, I always pay closer attention to actions after these types of speeches are delivered,” said Corker. “Tennesseans are ready for both the Congress and the White House to govern responsibly and finally focus on growing our economy, repairing our fiscal house and strengthening our nation’s role in the world. It is my hope the president will recognize that the only way to solve some of the big issues we face and create a stronger, more prosperous nation for future generations is to roll up his sleeves, provide leadership and work with this new Congress. If he does that, I think we can begin to deliver real, long-lasting results for hardworking American families.”

Blackburn Responds to President Obama’s State of the Union Address

Blackburn Responds to President Obama’s State of the Union Address - See more at:
Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s address to the nation on the State of the Union.

“President Obama’s proposal to increase taxes is not a serious solution to the challenges facing our nation. The President’s plan is misleading because it hurts many seniors who aren’t wealthy, but depend on capital gains,” Blackburn said. “President Obama has increased our debt by $7.6 trillion over 6 years. Last year the federal government collected a record amount of $3 trillion dollars in revenue. Now he wants even more money to expand his dysfunctional government. The American people are tired of it. I have not talked to one person who thinks that more money should be sent to DC for the bloated, over grown, overreaching federal government to waste.

“Let me tell you something – we don’t have a revenue problem. We have a spending problem. Sending more money to bureaucrats in Washington is not going to solve the underlying problems. We need to work on real solutions like my proposal to cut just one penny out of every dollar from discretionary spending. By cutting one percent in discretionary spending, we could save taxpayers an estimated $4 billion in just one year.

“The President also talks about his initiatives to protect personal data online and yet today we learned from the Associated Press that data firms may be tracking people as they use Depending on technology, they may be able to determine age, income, zip code, and whether you smoke or are pregnant. These findings raise new privacy and cyber security concerns. If President Obama can’t protect data on then why should we trust him to lead us on other cyber and privacy issues?”

Cooper Statement on State of the Union Address 

WASHINGTON—U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper (TN-5) attended President Obama’s State of the Union address and issued the following statement:

“The President gave an optimistic, energetic speech urging Congress to behave and put America first. I am proud he praised Tennessee’s education reforms. He spoke well tonight and there are positive signs that Congress will do less bickering and more work.”

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