Tuesday, January 06, 2015

Eric Malo, nominee for Fair Board Commissioner advocates destruction of the Fair Ground. His confirmation is on tonights agenda.

From Save Our Fairgrounds:

Mayor Karl Dean proposes appointing a person who has worked with two groups that actively sought to destroy the historic Tennessee State Fairgrounds to the board overseeing the property.  This is a slap in the face to over 71 percent of the voters of this county and an apparent effort to continue his efforts of destroying a part of our city’s culture and heritage long after he is out of office.

We have no need to suggest an agenda, the words of the proposed appointee are quite clear. See attached video of January 18, 2011 council meeting and Eric Malo’s own words. “A polluting racetrack can be demolished…Empty parking lots and derelict structures can be replaced with complete streets that support pedestrians and bicyclist as well as public transportation and higher density mixed use buildings…” This appointment is far from being in the best interest of the property or the city as a whole and should be withdraw immediately.

After meeting with Eric Malo and uncovering the attached video, the Board of Directors for Save our Fairgrounds unanimously voted to oppose this appointee and respectfully ask the council as a whole to do the same.

The full-length meeting is available at the following link for your review. (Advance to time stamp 1:39:17)


Please take this time to email the council TODAY at councilmembers@nashville.gov and tell them to not approve nominee Eric Malo for Fair Board Commissioner due to conflict of interest with regards to his past opposition of fairgrounds.   
Thank you for your support in helping us SAVE OUR FAIRGROUNDS!

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