Monday, January 05, 2015

First Tuesday speaker is Ralph Schulz President of Chamber of Commerse, Jan. 12th

From Tim Skow:  
1ST TUESDAY for 2015 launches on MONDAY, Jan 12th !
AND DO WE HAVE A  DOOZY of a program and guest list !  WHAT A Q&A session this will be !!   

If you read the Press clippings,  Nashville is one of America's cities on the rise. 

For the 2ND straight year, Tennessee has just won a top ranking for boosting jobs and capital investments through company relocation and expansions.  

Last year Nashville's Chamber of Commerce was voted tops in the nation.... Its getting to the point that SOME people are wondering if the Nashville Area Chamber is creating ...and spreading... all of this !!!!  SOOOOOO.... on Monday, Jan 12th you will get your chance to ask Chamber President Ralph Schulz directly !! Ralph will be our primary Guest Speaker.

Given all the "good news" it will sound astonishing to some ...BUT..  Nashville is also staring down the barrel of MAJOR ISSUES that will soon impact our city dramatically!  

POLITICALLY -- in 2015 we will elect a new Mayor and 40 members of the Metro Council  

FINANCIALLY -- $$$$ issues including significantly under-funded Metro Employee pensions and the Governor's new proposal of Insure Tennessee are threatening to significantly affect residents of Nashville ! 

BUT -- the "HOTTEST TOPIC" according to Ralph will be ... GOV's Haslam's proposal of -- INSURE TN -- and its projected affects on those of us who live in the Nashville area. There is serious push back already forming...and many noted legislators are looking for details ...and... for your feedback !  Needless to say...THERE IS A LOT STAKE on this topic! 

In short..... WE HAVE A PLATE FULL OF HOT TOPICS.... and not long to make some decisions that will affect Nashville for decades to come !!!  Expect a great Q&A with Ralph and the Legislators attending !

Given the TN Legislature opens the following day [ Jan 13th] many TN Legislators already in town are likely to join us for what will be an eye-popping lunch event !  Expect a great Q&A with Ralph and the Legislators attending !   

I cannot encourage you enough to join us... AND... to bring guests with you who care about Nashville and its future. Several members of the current Metro Council will be there. Several others seeking election in 2015 will be there too ! 

As usual, we will meet at WALLER LAW - 511 Union Street -27th floor [ remember to park in either underground lot for $5 thanks to our friends at WALLER !! ]  Doors will open at 11AM for Coffee and Social time. Lunch at 11:30 is $20 for Members, $25 for Guests... Those of you who have not paid 2015 dues can also do that while paying for lunch when visiting our 1ST TUESDAY website at  and clicking on the Shopping Cart 

 This lunch will really be focused on our future !!  Reach out to those you know. Lets fill the room,  learn what we need to know and be prepared to advise Legislators & Metro Council members [current & future] what YOU want ! 

I look forward to seeing you those you know on MONDAY,  Jan. 12th !

Tim Skow

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