Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Free community college plan for all noble, but misguided, says The Tennessean

The Tennessean which often appears to have a liberal basis and is inclined to support anything Obama does, is not jumping on the Obama bandwagon of free Junior College for all. The Tennessean is taking a common sense approach and showing a healthy skepticism of President Obama's plan which is modeled after Tennessee's Promise. The major difference between the two plans, as The Tennessean points out, is that the Tennessee plan is funded and the Obama plan is not. Below are a few excepts from Free community college plan for all noble, but misguided.

However, America's College Promise is not the answer because it is a bold idea without a strategy to back up execution.

In addition, Tennessee's program has a sustainable model to fund it: a $361.1 million endowment fund paid for by reserve Lottery funds and any excess funds, in addition to federal aid.

The White House says that America's College Promise could save nine million students $3,800 a year – that's $34.2 billion annually. The program cost to federal taxpayers is $60 billion over the next 10 years, but there has been no source of funding identified. Participating states would cover 25 percent of the cost, but there's no indication that other states want or can afford such a program.
Federalizing a version of the Tennessee Promise because it might work in Tennessee doesn't mean it will work everywhere else.
I obviously agree with this Tennessean editorial. If a state comes up with a good idea, their is no reason to make it a national plan funded by borrowed federal dollars. If the Tennessee Promise works for Tennessee, other states can copy it and modify it to suit their own needs.

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