Wednesday, January 14, 2015

House votes to Defund Obama's amnesty. See how they voted.

Today the U.S. House of Representatives passed the funding for The Department of Homeland Security by a vote of 236 to 191. Included in the bill was a prohibition against using any of the funding to fund amnesty. Specifically, the bill prohibited funds being used for the Obama Executive order called the Deferred Action for Parental Accountability program (DAPA) and the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA).

Republicans supported the Homeland Security appropriations bill by a vote of 234 for and 10 opposed. Democrats opposed the bill two in favor, 181 opposed and five abstentions.

Of the two Democrats voting with Republicans not to fund Obama's amnesty, neither one of them were Jim Cooper. Of the five Democrats who abstained, none of them were Jim Cooper. Of the ten Republicans who voted with the Democrats, none of them were members of the Tennessee delegation.

Prior to the final vote, there were amendments to add to the appropriations bill the prohibitions on DAPA program and the the DACA program. Unfortunately, I cannot determine which amendment accomplished what or how they voted.  If anyone can give me guidance of how to determine that, please educate me. Rep. Marsha Blackburn was the sponsor of the  DACA program prohibition.  To see more about how members of Congress voted follow this link.

Now the bill goes to the Senate where it will likely pass. Surely enough Republican senators would not defect to amend out the prohibitions on funding of DAPA and DACA. President Obama can veto the appropriations bill but would be vetoing the entire Department of Homeland Security appropriations. It looks like Obama's amnesty can be stopped.

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