Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Look who is running for Mayor and Council. (update #4)

This is my fourth update. Changes from the previous update are underlined.

"(T)" means the candidate has filed a treasurer's form. Candidates are not permitted to begin raising money until this form is filed.

These are the people running for Mayor or assumed to be running for Mayor:

  • Megan Barry, progressive Council-member-at-large. (T) link
  • Charles Robert Bone, an attorney (T) link
  • Linda Rebrovick, Consensus Point president and CEO. A Republican. (T) link
  • Kenneth Eaton, owner of Eaton's Used Cars and other business interest. He is a Republican. (T) link
  • Jeremy Kane, CEO and President of Lead Academy (T) link
  • David Fox, a former Tennessean business reporter, former Titan Advisor, former school board member. He is assumed to be a Republican and has a Republican campaign team. (T) link. link
  • David Freeman, local businessman and major fund raiser for the Democratic party.(T) 
 These are people who were once thought to be running for Mayor or who some people hoped would run, but who are not: 
Tim Garrett
  • Howard Gentry, former Vice Mayor, former candidate for Mayor who came close, African-American, husband of Sharon Gentry, chairman of the School Board. Howard Gentry was in the list above, but if by this time he has not takeen any action to indicate he is running, I think it is safe to assume he is not.
  • Daron Hall, the Sheriff
  • William F. Carpenter III, Chairman and CEO of LifePoint Hospitals. (link)
  • Jerry Maynard, currently a Councilman-at-large, Democrat, African-American. On 12/26/2014 on the Bob Muller program, Maynard announced he would not be running for Mayor.
  • Ronnie Stein, currently a Councilman-at-large, a Democrat. I never heard that Stein was running but assumed he had ambitions to advance a political career and expected him to run. At this point he has not said he was but has not said he is not running. If he has not declared by this time, we can assume he is not a candidate.
  • Lee Beaman, Owner of Beaman automotive companies and other business interest. Republican. 
  • Charlie Tygard, currently a term-limited Councilman-at-large. He knows Metro Government and he is fiscally conservative. He is a Republican.
  • Tim Garrett was mentioned as a candidate for Mayor but has said he had decided to pursue the office of Vice Mayor.
  • Emily Evans was mentioned as a mayoral candidate but has said "my final campaign will be dedicated not to me but to what I think is an important change to the Metro Charter." She is a term-limited district Councilman and is fiscally conservative.
This is who is running for Vice Mayor:
  • Tim Garrett, Councilman-at-large and former state representative. He is in the funeral home business. I know he is a Democrat, but he is a reasonable, fiscally conservative Democrat and a very nice guy with a depth of knowledge about Nashville. The job of Vice Mayor is to conduct Council meetings and to appoint the members of Council to committees. It is a fine balance between running efficient meetings and stifling debate. I think Garrett will strike the right balance. I think he will be fair and thoughtful in making committee assignments. I know at this point, not knowing who else is running it may be early to make an endorsement but I would discourage anyone else from entering the race. Tim Garrett would make a great Vice Mayor. (T) link
  • David Briley, grandson of former Mayor Beverly Briley, an attorney with Bone McAllester
    Ken Jakes
    Norton, former candidate for mayor. (T) link
These are people who have said they are running for Council-at-large or assumed to be running: 
  • Ken Jakes, he owns a produce company and is a citizen activist who has often exposed government waste and corruption.  He has previously sought the position, garnering the most votes other than the five incumbents. (T) link
  • Robert Duvall, currently a district councilman, term limited out, former unsuccessful candidate for the State House, and current Chairman of the Davidson County Republican Party.
  • Duane Dominy, currently a district councilman, term limited out, former unsuccessful
    Robert Duvall
    candidate for the State House.  He is a good Republican and lead the fight to save the fairgrounds. 
  •  Karen Bennett, currently represents a Council District and is a member of the Republican Party State Executive Committee
  • Eugene Batsuk. He is a former member of the Executive Committee of the Davidson County Democrat Party. (T) (link)
  •  Don Majors, who has been working in constituent services for Rep. Jim Cooper, is leaving that position to run for council. He previously represented the Maplewood area in the 90s and early aughts. (T)
  •  Renard Francois. He is an attorney, he serves on Metropolitan Social Services Commission and he is a previous candidate for Council-at-large. He is African-American. I have heard that he has moved out of state and if that is true, then we can assume he is not running. (T) link
  • Walter Hunt. He is currently serving as the Councilman from District 3, he is a retired substitute teacher and served in a high level  capacity in the Boner administration and is a
    Duane Dominy
    member of the Davidson County Democratic Party executive committee. He is African-American. (T).
  •  John Lasiter. He previously served in the Council represented District 18 in 2007. He is openly gay. (T) link, linklink
  •  Lonnell Mathews, Jr., currently representing District 1 and termed out. He is African American (T)
  • Jim Shulman. (T)
These are the people who are running for a District council seats or are rumored to be running for District Council seats:
  • Ruby Baker, District 1, (T) 
  • Lioniel Green, District 1, (T) 
  • Carrie Searcy, District 2 (T) 
  • Bobby Stockard, District 2 (T) 
  • Melvin Black, (District 2 (T) 
  • Joseph Zerbee, District 5 (T) 
  • Stephen Clements, District 7, a Republican who heads the Caffeinated Conservatives group, works for the State of Tennessee, former Army officer, active in Madison Now and other civic affairs. (T)
  • Nancy VanReece, District 8, (T) 
  • William Cyril Guthoerl, District 11. The incumbent is attorney Larry Hagar who was elected to this seat in a special election in August 2014. In a three man race Hagar won 57% of vote and Guthoerl won 25% of the vote. It will be difficult to unseat an incumbent unless he does something to disappoint a lot of people. I supported Guthoerl in two previous races, however, I am going to wait to see how Hagar does before endorsing in the 11th. So far, on the few controversial votes Hager has voted the right way. Gutherl has not yet appointed a Treasure so he is probably not running. 
  • Kevin Rhoten, District 14, a former Tennessee state attorney and legislative liaison in Gov. Pill Bredesen's administration. (T) 
  • Jim Garrett in District 15. (not announced) He has not yet appointed a treasure. 
  • Jeff Syracuse in District 15. (T) (link
  • Larry Weakley, District 17 (T) 
  • Colby Sledge, District 17, a community activist, public relations professional with McNeely,
    Jim Roberts
    Piggott and Fox and former employee of the Tennessee Senate Democratic Caucus. (T) 
  • Paula Foster, District 17 (T) 
  • Freddie O'Connell, District 19, President of the Salemtown Neighborhood Association, board member of Walk Bike Nashville. (T) 
  • Brian Mason, District 19, He is, a Republican and an international business consultant. He recently ran for the State Legislature
  • Jim Roberts, District 23, former Republican candidate for Chancery Court Judge.(link
  • Allen Grant, District 24 (T) 
  • Kathleen Murphy, District 24. She is a government lobbyist and active in Democrat Party politics. (T)
  • Jan Stinston, District 25 (T) 
  • Russ Pulley, District 25 (T) 
  • Melissa Smithson, District 28 (link) (T) 
  • Williams Kissie, District 32 (T)
  • Angie Henderson, District 34 (T)
  • Lonnie Spivak, District 35, a Republican and a former Republican primary candidate for the 5th
    Lonnie Spivak
    Congressional district. Lonnie has appointed a treasurer. (T)
  • Dave Rosenberg, District 35, a supporter of State Rep. and Council member Bo Mitchel and a supporter of School Board member Amy Frogge. Those are two good reasons to vote against him. He has several Bellvue community involvements. (link) (T) 

Italics indicate termed limited.
Who is

Karl Dean
Vice-mayor and President

Megan Barry
Ronnie Stein
Tim Garrett
Charlie Tygard
Jerry Maynard

Lonnell Mathews, Jr.
Frank Harrison
Walter hunt
Brady Banks

Scott Davis

Peter Westerholm
Anthony Davis

Karen Bennett
Bill  Pridemore

Doug Pardue

Larry Hager

Steve Glover

Josh Stites

Bruce Stanley
Phil Claiborne
Tony Tenpenny

Sandra Moore
Burkley Allen
Erica Gilmore
Buddy Baker
Edith Lancaster
Shreri Weiner
Emily Evans
Jason Holleman
Sean McGuire
Chris Harmon

Davette Blalock
Duane A. Dominy
Karen Y. Johnson

Jason Potts

Fabian Bedne
Jacobia Dowell

Robert Duvall
Carter Todd
Bo Mitchell

This is a work in progress and I will be updating from time to time when new information becomes available. There are probably some candidates for Mayor or the Metro Council that I inadvertently left off of this list.  If there is an obvious candidate I failed to add to this list, please let me know. 

If you are a candidate, please be sure to send me your announcements and press releases. and website links. 

Readers of this blog should not assume that because I post news of a campaign event or a press release from a candidate, that that constitutes an endorsement of that candidate. If I endorse someone, I will make it clear. 

My endorsements are highlighted in red. I may not make an endorsement in every race, as I may not have enough information to make an informed decision in each race. For Mayor and Councilman-at-large races, I want to know who all is running before I make a decision of who I am supporting. Winnability is a factor in who I support as well as experience and philosophy of government. 

When it comes to recommendations for Councilmen-at-large, while one may vote for up to five candidates to fill five slots, I often vote for only one candidate rather than dilute my vote. I would find it difficult not to vote for Duvall or Dominy if they run however, so I am endorsing Jakes, Duvall and Dominy.  I am holding off on endorsing other candidates until I see the full list of who is running and look at some data to see who can mount a serious challenge and some other factors. Any candidate who gets 20% of the vote for a Council-at-large seat gets elected without a runoff and those top vote getters who get less than 20% will face a runoff.

Important Dates:
February 2nd is the filing deadline for those who have appointed a treasurer by January 15, 2015.
February 20th  is the date candidates may pick up qualifying petitions.
August 2015 is the election.   

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