Thursday, January 08, 2015

Nashville Lifestyle magazine does a "Meet your Mayoral Candidates" piece.

This month Nashville Lifestyle magazine has a "Meet your Mayoral Candidates" article doing a

Linda Eskind Rebrovick and family are lovers of the great
outdoors and love to go hiking at Percy Warner Park. 

picture and a few paragraphs on each.  You won't learn a lot about their vision for the city or what they would do about the unfunded pension liability from the piece but you will learn some human interest gossipy stuff.

I bet you didn't know that when Megan Barry ran for fifth grade class president and lost to her best friend that she did not even vote for herself. Or, that Jeremy Kane's sister-in-law is the manager of 3rd and Lindsley. Did you know Bill Freeman is a big outdoorsman who likes deer, duck, and bird hunting? Did you know Charles Bone is an investor in Acme Feed & Seed and The Southern and loves to go honky-tonking on lower Broadway?

Only Megan Barry, Jeremy Kane, Charles Bone, David Fox, Bill Freeman, and Linda Eskind Rebrovick are profiled in the piece. For the online version of the article, follow this link

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