Friday, January 09, 2015

Nashville Lifestyle snubs mayoral candidate Kenneth Eaton.

Yesterday I reported on the Nashville Lifestyle magazine's, "Meet your Mayoral Candidates" article which appeared in the November issue in which the magazine gave a lifestyle profile report on several of the mayoral candidates.  They reported little known gossipy-type things such as what the person likes to do in his or her leisure time and what the person collects. The magazine profiled, Megan Barry, Jeremy Kane, Charles Bone, David Fox, Bill Freeman, and Linda Eskind Rebrovic. 

The margarine did not profile Kenneth Eaton.  Maybe the magazine failed to include Kenneth Eaton because they do not consider him a serious candidate. Last time he ran for mayor he only got a few hundred votes and some do not think he has the resources to compete with the super wealthy and well-connected candidates running for mayor.  Or maybe, it is because Kenneth Eaton is just not the type of person the magazine's readers care about.  Nashville Lifestyle is more for the polo pony, white wine and brie folks who send their children to Harpeth Hall and  Montgomery Bell Academy; Kennth Eaton may be more of a football, beer and pretzel, and public school type guy. The publisher claims he did not know Kenneth Eaton was a candidate. 

Below is the correspondence between Kenneth Eaton and the magazine's publisher Brian Barry.

Subject: RE: Mayoral writeup
Date: Fri, 09 Jan 2015
From: Kenneth Eaton 
To: Barry, Brian  

Brian, Thank you for responding, But for your information, my staff filed a "Appointment of Treasure" for the Mayor's race, in early November 2014, and Freeman at the time was not even sure he was running (had not announced). 

Freeman announced a month and a half after I filed my papers, but he has a write up. If you had researched, you would have found I announced months before the November filing and won the straw poll at the Davidson County Republican party picnic last summer. So how do we handle this? 


On 1/9/2015 9:26 AM, Barry, Brian wrote: 

Hello Mr. Eaton,

The story about early mayoral candidates was in our November issue, I don't believe and was not aware that you were running at that time (we wrote this article weeks ahead of the November publication date). I assure you, we did not exclude you and I hope you didn't feel that way. As more people enter the race we will revisit it and certainly include you. 

Brian Barry
Publisher Nashville Lifestyles Magazine 
615.259.3636 • 615.259.9995 fax 
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Original Message
From: Kenneth Eaton [] 
Sent: Thursday, January 08, 2015 5:40 PM 
To: Barry, Brian 
Subject: Mayoral writeup 

Brian, Just wondered; Is there a reason I was not invited in your Mayoral candidates Nashville Lifestyles Magazine. You know the first step of running is to file an appointment of Treasure, which I have done, And If you check I do not believe all the ones you did the write-up on have filed theirs. 

My campaign group has wanted to stay low key for now, but I should have the same respect as the other Candidates. 

Kenneth Eaton 
Eaton for Mayor 2015 
520 Lafayette St 
Nashville TN 37203 

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