Thursday, January 01, 2015

Nashville New Year's Eve party draws 130K

I wasn't there. For about the last 35 years I have celebrated New Year's at my sister and brother-in-law's, Becky and Dale. It is hard to believe have been doing this for 35 years! We had a great time! The group varies from year to year. My brother who lives in Sevierville who usually attends and my mom did not attend this year. And, some people that use to attend have gotten old and don't come anymore, but I have spend New Year's with some of these same people for 35 years.  I always look forward to this party and would rather be there than anywhere else for New Year's eve. And, my sweet wife Louella who has advanced Alzheimer's and is mostly confined to a wheelchair enjoyed herself. She did not do her non-sense chanting, she smiled, she was happy, and she didn't go to sleep. She was a trooper and happy. I even got her out of her wheelchair and we danced one song.

I was where I wanted to be on New Year's eve. I did not want to be in a crowd of 130,000 people on Broadway. I would not want to be in Times Square either. Maybe it is just a function of getting older. There were times when I have attended Nashville big 4th of July party, but not in the last ten years or so. It just does not have the same appeal it once did even if my wife was well and I could do it.

So while I did not want to be there, I nevertheless take pride in Nashville being one of the big New Year's Eve celebration cities. Read about it below and watch a video: Nashville's Bash on Broadway draws record 130K.

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