Thursday, January 08, 2015

Sen. Bob Corker planning Cuba hearings

By David Morton, Jan. 7, 2015 - Sen. Bob Corker said Wednesday the Senate Foreign Relations Committee will hold "robust hearings" on U.S.-Cuba relations in the weeks ahead.

..... President Barack Obama announced a deal to begin restoring diplomatic relations with the island country 330 miles south of Miami for the first time in more than 50 years.

"Well, obviously the policy we've had in place in Cuba since 1962 has not yielded a result we hoped it would yield. I think that's pretty apparent," Corker said in a conference call with reporters. "On the other hand, I think the hearings that we'll have will illuminate the direct effects the embargo itself has had."

It's one of many questions Corker said will be covered in upcoming committee hearings. Cuba was "off the front burner" for many years until Obama's announcement last month. The senator said those hearings will inform his thinking about whether the U.S. should have an ambassador there. (link)

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