Friday, January 23, 2015

Sen. Dolores Gresham now OK with the current Common Core standards or Sen. Gresham says she still wants to repeal Common Core

 Co-sponsor changes stance on bill to repeal Common Core

Sen. Dolores Gresham
The Tennessean, AP, 1-22-2015 - A co-sponsor of legislation to repeal Tennessee’s Common Core standards said Thursday the measure probably will change after discussions with teachers and other educators who say the higher benchmarks in English and math are helping students.

Senate Education Committee Chairwoman Dolores Gresham and Senate Government Operations Committee Chairman Mike Bell, both Republicans, filed the proposal in November. ....

“I have talked to teachers who have told me in so many words, at last, we are no longer dumbing down our children,” she said. “That kind of encouragement is very important when other people are not so enthusiastic.” (link)

The Tennessean, by Dave Boucher, 1-22-2015 - .....says she is committed to repealing Common Core in Tennessee, a day after reports came out that she had changed her mind on moving away from the controversial education standards.

“I reaffirm my commitment to higher academic standards through passage of Senate Bill 4, which sets our own Tennessee Standards Commission. In order to do this, we must clear the way by severing our ties with the current Common Core Standards.” (link)

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