Thursday, January 15, 2015

Students to protest Carol Swain's op-Ed on Islam

Carol Swain
Vanderbilt Hustler, Jan. 16, 2015- Carol Swain, Vanderbilt professor of law and political science, published an op-ed in The Tennessean entitled “Charlie Hebdo attacks prove critics were right about Islam” on Jan. 15. The piece was a response to the Jan. 7 attack by two gunmen on the offices of a French satirical magazine in Paris. The magazine, Charlie Hebdo, had previously published controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad.

In light of the attack, Swain wrote that “Islam is not like other religions in the United States, that it poses an absolute danger to us and our children unless it is monitored better than it has been under the Obama administration.”
......In response to Swain’s editorial, Yamin set up a an event on Facebook for a “Campus-Wide Protest Against Hate Speech Published in the Tennessean.” The protest is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 17 at 1 p.m. on Library Lawn. (link)
Comment: The way to end a debate and silence your opponents on an American college campus is to call comments with which you disagree, "hate speech."   

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