Thursday, January 22, 2015

The AMP really is dead.

The following email was posted to

From: Bland, Steve (MTA)
Date: Thu, Jan 22, 2015 at 1:32 PM

Dear Amp Community Advisory Committee Member:
As you know, when the Community Advisory Committee process for the Amp Bus
Rapid Transit project concluded in late October, Mayor Dean asked that I
assemble the findings of this group as well as other relevant information
and formulate a recommendation on the project to him and our Board. I will
be delivering that recommendation at today's MTA Board meeting. For your
information, I am attaching a copy of those findings, as well as the
associated media release.

In that report, I am recommending that the Amp not move to construction as
currently configured, and that we shift our focus to an overall strategic
plan for transit services and facilities in the Nashville and Middle
Tennessee Region
. This plan will incorporate design considerations for
high capacity/high performance transit facilities such as that contemplated
in the original Amp proposals.

During the course of the CAC process, you became acutely
aware of the challenges inherent in designing a high capacity/high
performance transit facility in an already busy corridor. In my view, the
highly public and open nature of this process was absolutely crucial to the
long-term success of any project in that corridor, as well as for the
overall transit system in Nashville. I continue to believe that a high
performance transit system is necessary in the Amp corridor, as well as in
several other corridors in the Nashville region.

As we transition to an overall system wide strategic planning process, we
need you to stay engaged, and I hope that you will. I have no doubt that
Nashville is positioned for quantum leaps in transit thanks in large part
to your role.
Stephen G. Bland
Chief Executive Officer 
Nashville MTA 
430 Myatt Drive 
Nashville, TN 37115

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