Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Metro Transportation Licensing Commission awarded 115 permits to NashVegas Cab!

Press Release, Nashville, TN January 28, 2015 - The Metro Transportation Licensing Commission awarded 115 permits to NashVegas Cab Corporation and expanded Nashville’s transportation options. The Commission action boosts NashVegas’s total number of drivers, who are also shareholders, to 150.  The Commission action also recognizes the tech savvy business model of NashVegas Cab that promotes customer safety, meets public necessity by serving all of Nashville, and convenience by use of an app, tablets, security cameras, credit card readers, and planned kiosks.  

“We formed NashVegas NashVegas to get relief from mistreatment and reduce weekly costs we were forced to pay before we could pick up our first customer,” said Abraham Derbo, President of NashVegas Cab.  “Last year, we requested 150 taxi permits but we were only granted 35 permits. Throughout the year, we kept Mr. Billy Fields (Executive Director) and the Commission members updated on our progress and our difficulty to serve all of Nashville having only 35 permits,” said Mr. Derbo.

During the nearly four hour hearing, commission members heard from members of the community and from Metro Council members speaking on behalf of NashVegas. Commission members also heard evidence showing the need for additional transportation options. Terry Clements, VP, Nashville CVB, presented figures showing that over 900,000 more people visited Nashville than last year and over 500,000 hotel rooms were sold compared to last year.  Commission members then heard from Doug Kreulen, Nashville International Airport COO, who reported that over 500,000 passengers utilized the airport.  

“We are thankful to all those who helped make our American Dream of business ownership come true!” said an elated Derbo.  

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