Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Bob Corker and the elimination of slavery around the globe.

by Josh Stites,

Dwight Eisenhower and the integration of public schools.
George W. Bush and the fight against AIDS in Africa.
Bob Corker and the elimination of slavery around the globe.

Slavery in all of its evil forms has existed for thousands of years. Although slavery is illegal in every country in the world, it is estimated that there are still more than 27 million people living in slavery around the globe. In his new role as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, Bob Corker has made one of his first acts the creation of a $1.5 Billion fund to fight slavery in some of the darkest countries on earth. The funds would come in large part from private donors who have a passion to see the eradication of slavery around the world and the funds would be deployed through public-private partnerships.

One of the organizations that would likely be a partner is the International Justice Mission (IJM). In 2013 the Metro Nashville Council passed a resolution declaring its support of IJM and declaring October 1, 2013 as IJM Day in Nashville. IJM is one of the premier organizations on the front lines in the fight against human trafficking. The Metro resolution can be found here.

Fittingly, this bold initiative was first announced in Tennessee this past weekend via the Chattanooga TimesFree Press and the Tennessean.

At a time when there’s plenty in our government to criticize, it’s always appropriate and important to praise the good. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with this important initiative as Senator Corker’s office rolls out more information in the coming days. You can read a great column from David Cook here to learn more. And if you are as impressed as I have been, you should call (202-224-3344) or email Senator Corker and encourage him to keep up this worthy fight.

It is credited to Edmund Burke, who is regarded as the father of modern conservatism, as having said, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.” You need not look very long to see that evil is advancing in many parts of our world. Bob Corker is stepping up to the fight and if successful, history will remember him as having accomplished one of the great feats of our time.

Josh Stites is a member of the Nashville-Davidson County Metro Council representing District 13. 

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