Friday, February 27, 2015

Governor Bobby Jindal Coming to the Mid-South

Louisiana Gov., potential 2016 presidential candidate headlines TNGOP Memphis Event; Details at

Press release, NASHVILLE, Tenn.—Our nation faces big problems and it is going to take someone with big ideas to fix them. In 2016, Republicans will nominate a leader who fits that mold. In an effort to showcase one of those potential candidates, the Tennessee Republican Party today announced Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal will keynote the TNGOP Leadership Series event to be held in Memphis on March 20th. Jindal is consistently mentioned as a top-tier potential candidate in the 2016 GOP field and his accomplishments as Louisiana’s chief executive show why he’s an exciting figure for the Republican electorate. Since taking office in 2008, Gov. Jindal has:

  • Drastically reduced the size of government – reducing Louisiana’s budget by 26% and reducing the number of government employees by 34%; 
  • Cut taxes dozens of times, causing the Louisiana private sector to flourish – Louisiana now has more people living and working, with higher incomes, than ever before. 
  • Signed into law some of the toughest ethics laws in the nation; 
  • Led Louisiana to top ten rankings of national business climate rankings; 
  • Expanded school choice and implemented other landmark education reforms to ensure every child has access to a quality education in the Pelican State; 
  • Served as Chairman and Vice-Chairman of the Republican Governors Association, which is currently led by Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam. 
Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney remarked, “Gov. Jindal is an exciting leader in our Party and we’re proud to welcome him to Memphis. A number of leading Tennessee Republicans call Shelby County home and they are eager to hear about Louisiana’s success under Gov. Jindal’s leadership and what his priorities are for our nation.”

I appreciate the opportunity to come to Tennessee, meet with some great conservatives in the Mid-South, and talk about conservative solutions for our nation after years of reckless policies from the Obama White House ,” said Jindal.

The TNGOP announced the Shelby County Republican Party will be co-hosting the reception and dinner. “We appreciate the opportunity to team up with the Shelby County Republican Party. A strong SCRP ensures a stronger TNGOP,” added Devaney.

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