Tuesday, February 03, 2015

In the Race for the Money, David Fox leads the pack.

Charles Robert Bone has raised the most money from individual supporters in Nashville's race for mayor, but David Fox has taken the lead in campaign cash thanks to a large personal loan. Fox ....reported giving himself a $1,050,000 personal loan....Combined with $253,030 in contributions, he reported a total campaign haul of $1.3 million, with $1,046,363 still on hand to spend — the most of any of the seven candidates vying to be mayor.

... Jeremy Kane raised $310,000 and has $271,000 left. Linda Rebrovick raised $658,000 and has $486,000 left. Bill Freeman got in late and showed only $31,500, but we expect he'll have lots more money on the next report. ( link).

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