Thursday, February 05, 2015

Insure TN fails.

If you pay attention to news at all, by now you probably know that Haslam's proposed Insure TN plan of medicaid expansion has failed. Below are a few articles that explain who did what and how it failed and where we go from here and who were the winners and loosers. - The Senate Health Committee voted against Gov. Bill Haslam’s Insure Tennessee resolution Wednesday afternoon with seven senators voting no and four yes.

No votes: Republican Sens. Mike Bell of Riceville, Janice Bowling of Tullahoma, Rusty Crowe of Johnson City, Todd Gardenhire of Chattanooga, Brian Kelsey of Germantown, Frank Niceley of Strawberry Plains and Kerry Roberts of Springfield.

Yes votes: Republican Sens. Richard Briggs of Knoxville, Ed Jackson of Jackson and Becky Massey of Knoxville along with Democratic Sen. Jeff Yarbro of Nashville.

Lawmakers kill Haslam health plan; he says its "pointless" to try same plan again

 The Commercial Appeal - ....Senate Speaker Ron Ramsey, R-Blountville, said “the absence of a clear, written agreement between the federal government and the State of Tennessee made passage impossible. ... We could not in good conscience put our stamp of approval on a mere verbal agreement with the Obama administration.”

.....U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper, D-Nashville: “Tennesseans will die and hospitals will close as a result of our cruel state legislature. Rarely in state history have we seen such a devastating lack of leadership.”

Few lawmakers supported Haslam's Insure Tennessee

The Tennessean - House Speaker Beth Harwell, R-Nashville, said she was "torn" on whether to support the plan, pointing to possible problems with kicking people off the program if the state needed to end it. Although Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey, R-Blountville, originally hinted he would support the plan, he also pointed to a mistrust with the federal government as to why passage of Insure Tennessee was "impossible."

.....Haslam said it was hard to judge what impact right-wing special interest groups like Americans for Prosperity or the Beacon Center of Tennessee played on the final outcome. But at least some Republicans acknowledged these or other groups could — and likely would — use their comments during this session to fuel the candidacy of a primary challenger.

Haslam Unsure Of Next Steps After Defeat Of Insure Tennessee

Insure Tennessee to cost $15 million a year to manage, report says

by Dave Boucher, The Tennessean, - ..."The estimated fiscal impact to commerce in the state as a result of the proposed legislation cannot be reasonably determined due to a number of unknown factors," wrote Jeff Spalding, new executive director of the Tennessee Fiscal Review Committee.

Haslam has repeatedly said the plan won't cost Tennessee any extra money: the administration says the federal government covers 100 percent of costs in the first two years, then state hospitals cover a growing share that tops out at 90 percent in 2020.
But the fiscal note — a report attached to any legislative proposal that could have a financial impact if it becomes law — estimates more than $15 million in administrative costs annually.

Recriminations begin immediately following death of Insure Tennessee


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1 comment:

  1. Cooper is WRONG...and I bet that not ONE person dies because this bill (thankfully) was not passed.

