Friday, February 27, 2015

Jeremy Elrod Announces Candidacy for Metro Council District 26

Jeremy Elrod
Jeremy Elrod formally announces his candidacy for Metro Council District 26. 

“A city like Nashville can be great only if there is an emphasis on supporting neighborhoods and the people that live and work in them,” said Elrod. “I am running for city council because I want to help the neighborhoods, residents and businesses in District 26 get their needs met – such as better roads and traffic, improving public safety, and ensuring growth is done wisely.”

Elrod, 34, holds a bachelor’s degree from the University of Tennessee at Martin in political science and a juris doctor from the Nashville School of Law.   A licensed attorney and former staff member at the Tennessee General Assembly for ten years, Elrod is deeply committed to public service and is currently employed at the Tennessee Municipal Electric Power Association.

Currently living in Crieve Hall, Elrod and his wife Rachael Anne have made the neighborhoods of District 26 home for over ten years.  They look forward to raising their seven month old twin boys there for many more years to come. 

“The neighborhoods of District 26 are great places to raise a family, and I will work them even better,” said Elrod.  “With a commitment to always listen to my neighbors and their concerns, I would be honored and humbled to serve the community I’m proud to call home.”

Metro Council District 26 is comprised of the Crieve Hall, Caldwell Hall and Paragon Mills communities.  It is home to the Nashville Zoo, Ellington Agricultural Center, Historic Traveler’s Rest, and Paragon Mills Park.  The District 26 seat is currently held by Chris Harmon who has announced he will not run for reelection. 

Carol Roberts, a fellow Crieve Hall resident, will serve as campaign treasurer.  Elrod is expected to kick off his campaign soon. 

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1 comment:

  1. I would like to know what you will do for the Paragon Mills area if you are elected?
